目前分類:靈修心得 (20)

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舊約真的是越讀越有滋味~︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿


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祭司亞倫的孫子,以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈,使我向以色列人所發的怒消了;因他在他們中間,以我的忌邪為心,使我不在忌邪中把他們除滅。 <民25:11>

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“Even as the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you: abide ye in My love.”~JOHN 15:9

The love He gives us is a Divine, everlasting, wonderful love. There are also some verses remind us Christ’s love in See 1 Cor. 8:1-3. “Of what value is all knowledge and zeal in God’s work, without the knowledge and experience of Christ’s love.” I appreciate God that He gives me a heart which is easily moved. I can feel His love at almost every moment when I commune with Him. Even when I am in a really bad mood, I can also feel His accompany as long as I think of His sacrificed love. Any time I seek His love, He gives me more than what I want. I am thankful that He is so generous, willing to give me His love.
The author tells us that the Christ with whom we desire fellowship longs unspeakably to fill us with His love. I think there is no doubt the greatest happiness of my life is that I am beloved of the Lord Jesus. I may live in fellowship with Him all day long. And I trust Him that He’ll keep me abiding in His love.

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"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"
~I JOHN 1:9

An honest confession of sin gives power to live the life of victory over sin. At the time we confess our sin, He forgives us, hinding us in His place.

I remember the time Lasote

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"Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law doth he meditate day and night."
~PS. 1:1, 2

The author tells us simple rules for Bible reading:
1. Read God's word with great reverence
2. Read with careful attention
3. Read with the expectation of the guidance of God's Spirit
4. Read with the firm purpose of keeping the Word day and night in your heart and in your life

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  • Oct 20 Thu 2005 23:21
  • Faith

"Only believe."~MRAK 5:36
The author tells us faith is indispensable to true prayer. I can't agree with him more! A prayer without faith can't really make us commune with God. We should pray in firm faith in Him and His great love, believing He'll make the way for us. Also we can't limit "faith" to the forgiveness of sins, and to our acceptance as children of God.Faith including far more. We should have faith in all that He is willing to do for us. I trust Him. I trust He loves me. I am so glad that I can trust Him for everything He arranges for me. By faith and by trust, I feel rest and free. I can do anything in a heart full of happiness!
"Said I not unto thee if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God." I am eager to see His glory, and I hope I can have firmer faith to my dear Lord, building renewed fellowship day from day with Him.

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Fellowship with God 94/10/17

“He that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father. I will love him.”

I am reminded the importance of fellowship with God again by this paragraph:” Our relationship to Christ rests on his deep, tender love to us. We are not able of ourselves to render him this love. For this we need to separate ourselves each day from the world, and turn in faith to the Lord Jesus, that He may shed abroad His love in our hearts, so that we may be filled with a great love to him.”

It’s true that as long as we long for Lord Jesus himself, he shed abroad His love in my heart. Sometime He doesn’t give me what I want or He doesn’t response my pray, however, every time I turn to him, I feel his love……His sacrificed and tender love…...which makes me feel like crying. His love and mercy endures forever! I know His love and mercy endures forever. No fellowship, no renewal and sweet relationship with God.

“He that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father. I will love him.”
He will no doubt shed abroad His love to us. He loves us and He wants to give us more and more love which is unpredictable for me. Thanks God for His love! Amen!

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From day to day 94/9/17

"The inner man is renewed from day to day."<2 COR. 4:16>

Andrew Murray tell us that every Christian should realize that the grace he received of the forgiveness of sins, of acceptance as God's child, of joy in the holy Ghost, can only be preserved by the daily renewal in fellowship with Jesus Crist himself.

Sometimes my heart is annoyed and impatient so that I don’t feel like communing with Jesus. I keep thinking all the affairs that disturb me, feeling more and more confused. It’s really dangerous having no renewal fellowship with God. Lots of disturbing affairs will start isolating my heart with the Lord. I focus on my own feeling and sink into bad emotion. Only when I turn my eyes onto Jesus, I could find the amazing rest in my soul.

I an so grateful that God promise us that he’ll give us rest as long as we come unto him. His mercy that endures forever reveals to me at the time I seek him. He gives me strength and power. He renews my heart and gives me happiness and peace. In fellowship with my Lord, the inner man can be renewed from day to day!How great and how precious!

I long for him and his love. I want to be alone with him each day to let him works in me. I want my inner man renewed from day to day by Jesus Christ himself!Amen!

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雅歌 94924

 心血來潮把雅歌當作晨更的材料,看了一章之後,總覺得自己一直沒有辦法很深刻的體會每一字每一句的意涵,於是我就到社辦借了一本雅歌的註釋書,沒想到一看就停不下來了……。以前總覺得雅歌不過就是相愛的男女互相歌頌的詩歌,然而這次除了藉著靈修書籍,我在讀的時候也把自己的感情放了進去,這才發現原來他描寫的是這樣深刻的一種愛情,一種既熱情又純潔的愛情,一種彼此委身、專一而深刻的愛情。真的很美麗,很炙熱,但也很永恆。
 其實讀的時候一直有種「哇……我跟女主角的個性感覺好像喔!」另外還有一個巧合呢!我無意間發現自己在BBS上的ID「beloved」正巧是英文聖經當中「佳偶」的名字呢!她對愛情的真義宣告是「求你把我放在你心上如印記,把我帶在你臂上如戳印;因為愛情像死亡一般的堅強;嫉妒如陰間一般的堅穩;它的烈燄是火的烈燄,是非常猛烈的火燄。」不管是心上或是臂上的外在印記,都代表了不渝的心志和彼此委身的忠誠。這種熱烈執著的態度雖然也是一種強烈的佔有,然而卻並不是一種不成熟的佔有,而是熱切地關心所愛之人。另外,這種強烈的情感並不是短暫的熱情而已,因為它緊接著便說到「愛情,眾水不能熄滅,洪流不能淹沒;如果有人拿自己家裡所有的財產去換取愛情,就必被藐視。」愛情的火焰不管經歷了如何困苦艱難的環境,不管經歷了多久的時間、多大的創傷、多重的壓力和問題,依然不能熄滅、不被淹沒!雖是熱烈,卻也冷靜、實在,經的起任何磨難、具有深度。
 在這樣的愛情真義下,男女主角的愛戀一步一步地向前推進,有愛慕之歌,也有身體描述之歌。詞藻清新自然卻奔放熱情。佳偶說:「我以我的良人為一袋沒藥,掛在我的胸懷之中。我以我的良人為一束鳳仙花,開放在隱基底的葡萄園裡。」「我的良人在男子中,好像樹林裡的一棵蘋果樹;我歡歡喜喜地坐在它的蔭下,它的果子香甜合我口味。」良人也說:「我的佳偶在女子中,正像荊棘裡的百合花。」「我的佳偶啊!你很美麗;你很美麗。你的眼在面紗後面好像鴿子的眼睛;頭髮如同從基列山下來的山羊群。你的牙齒像新剪毛的一群母羊,剛剛洗淨那樣潔白整齊;牠們成雙成對,沒有單獨一隻的。你的嘴唇像一條朱紅線,你的小嘴美麗;你的兩頰在面紗後面,如同切開的石榴。你的頸項像大衛的城樓,建造得十分整齊、雅觀;其上懸掛著一千個盾牌,都是勇士的武器。你的兩乳像雙生的母羚羊,是在百合花中吃草的一對小鹿。等到晚風徐來,日影消逝的時候,我要親自到沒藥山,要往乳香岡去。我的佳偶啊!你全然美麗,毫無瑕疵。」而在雅歌當中,愛慕之歌在身體描述之歌以先。這樣子的安排也透露出兩人是因被對方的氣質和品格所吸引,而便產生了一份很大的相愛的吸引力。愛慕之歌即是被對方整個人所吸引,身體的歌頌則是愛慕昇華之結果。
 我也很喜歡雅歌當中的尋索之歌,他將男女主角對彼此切切的思念刻化的深刻無比。那種急切、不安、想念在在流露出兩人相愛之深。「我夜間躺在床上,尋找我心所愛的,我尋找他,卻找不到他。我說:“我要起來,走遍全城,在街上,在廣場上,尋找我心所愛的。”我尋找他,卻找不到他。」然而,當佳偶終於遇見她所心愛的,便「把他拉住,不讓他走」。相互尋索的渴望、彼此認定的堅決都叫人深深動容。
 在互相歌頌之際,佳偶芳心默許、良人醉心戀慕。佳偶說:「我的良人哪,這些都是我為你保存的。」便說明了她在認定之後的專一與委身。「我屬我的良人,我的良人也屬我;他在百合花中細賞。」他們彼此委身,彼此認定「非你莫屬」,這種認真專一的態度是成熟而堅定的,也使得愛情更加穩固,「眾水不能熄滅,洪流不能淹沒」。
 在他們互相愛戀、彼此渴望擁有對方全心全人的時候,他們之間的關係依然純潔無暇。他們雖然渴望更多的肌膚之親,卻不被情慾所轄制。因為他們曉得真摯純潔的愛情、健康穩固的關係需要守候、需要等待時機的成熟。因此佳偶也說:「耶路撒冷的眾女子啊!我指著田野的羚羊、母鹿懇求你們,不要驚動他,不要挑起他的愛情,等它自發吧。」良人亦讚美佳偶「是上了閂的園子,是上了鎖的水井,是封閉了的泉源。」他們為彼此潔身自愛、保守貞操,等待在眾人與神前的婚姻來到。佳偶與良人在保持底線下,彼此回應愛意,給予對方等候的美好盼望。「我要引領你,領你到我母親家裡去」,佳偶所盼望的愛情包含了熱愛也包含了委身與誓約,除了私下的戀慕外,也盼望可以在社會和家人的接納下成就一份正式的夫妻關係。在等待之後,便一同在婚姻裡享受神所賜豐盛的愛,那一份眾水不熄滅的愛,直到永永遠遠。
 希望自己也有一顆謹守的心,等待一份在上帝祝福下最珍貴、最堅定的愛情。

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