
From day to day 94/9/17

"The inner man is renewed from day to day."

Andrew Murray tell us that every Christian should realize that the grace he received of the forgiveness of sins, of acceptance as God's child, of joy in the holy Ghost, can only be preserved by the daily renewal in fellowship with Jesus Crist himself.

Sometimes my heart is annoyed and impatient so that I don’t feel like communing with Jesus. I keep thinking all the affairs that disturb me, feeling more and more confused. It’s really dangerous having no renewal fellowship with God. Lots of disturbing affairs will start isolating my heart with the Lord. I focus on my own feeling and sink into bad emotion. Only when I turn my eyes onto Jesus, I could find the amazing rest in my soul.

I an so grateful that God promise us that he’ll give us rest as long as we come unto him. His mercy that endures forever reveals to me at the time I seek him. He gives me strength and power. He renews my heart and gives me happiness and peace. In fellowship with my Lord, the inner man can be renewed from day to day!How great and how precious!

I long for him and his love. I want to be alone with him each day to let him works in me. I want my inner man renewed from day to day by Jesus Christ himself!Amen!

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