


"世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼呢﹖只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。" (彌迦書6:8)


In the 1960s, Singapore was little more than a backwater.

In the span of just a few decades, the city-state transformed itself into one of the world's most developed nations.

CNN's Maria Ressa spoke with Singapore's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, about his role in those changes.

She began by asking Mr. Lee about his vision when he took office.

We were motivated by an intense desire to create a fairer and more just society,

where man does not exploit his fellow man because he's a different color, or different race, or different religion.

The time you stepped down and today -- what [has] changed for Singapore?

So many things have changed.

I mean, first, the generations have moved on.

And secondly, the world has changed.

Well, it makes it more difficult for the leaders to meet rising expectations.

The aspirations of the people keeps [keep] on going up.

And from time to time, you have a recession or you have a setback,

and people are extremely unhappy and dissatisfied because they had assumed that it will [would] always go up.

Are you saying this younger generation is spoiled?

No, I wouldn't say... It's not been tempered. It hasn't gone through a baptism of fire.

If you were to conduct a class for future leaders, what lessons would you emphasize?

Well, I would say first, don't try and seek popularity.

Popularity is an evanescent, fickle thing.

Gain respect. That's not easy to achieve,

and if you gain it and you don't misbehave or squander it, it will last.

[In] the modern society, they take polls -- straw polls -- and they govern according to what's the polls show -- which way the wind is blowing.

I think that's a disaster. That's not leadership.

What about the leaders who are so worried about their popularity because they need to win elections, for example?

I do not believe that popular government means you must be popular whilst you are governing.

You have to govern in a way so that even if you are unpopular while you are governing,

at the end of your term of office -- when you go to the polls -- the voters know that you have done a good job for them, and they will vote for you -- again.

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